US sanctions Houthi leader for torturing prisoners

The US Embassy in Yemen said that Al-Murtada, in his role as head of the National Committee for Prisoners’ Affairs, has been directly involved in the torture of prisoners and other forms of cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment or punishment of detainees in Houthi prisons that continue to hold individuals who have exercised their human rights and fundamental freedoms, including journalists, human rights defenders, political opponents, local staff of the United Nations, non-governmental organizations, and the US Embassy, among others.
The embassy explained in a statement that these classifications aim to stand in solidarity with current and former US local employees and publicly condemn the Houthis for their continued gross human rights violations.
These designations are also intended to pressure the Houthis and bolster other U.S. government efforts to release those unjustly held in Houthi prisons, including our employees.
It is noteworthy that Al-Murtada has a bad history of dealing with journalists. In their testimonies published by the media after their release in April 2023, the journalists released from the militia’s prisons confirmed that they were subjected to beatings and direct assault by Al-Murtada, in the Central Security Prison under his management in Sana’a.
In statements published after his release, journalist Tawfiq Al-Mansouri described Al-Murtada as a “torture addict,” noting that “on August 20, 2022, Abdul Qader Al-Murtada personally assaulted me,” adding, pointing to a wound on his forehead: “This is the effect of his assault on me.”
He added, "Abdul Qader Al-Murtada practices systematic torture against the abductees on a daily basis. He is a torture patient, addicted to torture. He cannot live without practicing torture every day."
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