Extremist Israeli minister calls for nuking Gaza

Arab states denounce extremist Israeli statements

Arab states denounced the call of the Israeli Minister of Heritage, Amichai Eliyahu, for the occupation army to drop a nuclear bomb on Gaza as one of Israel’s options in the war against the Palestinians. He said that anyone waving a Palestinian or Hamas flag “should not continue to live on the earth.”

Eliyahu stated that the Gaza Strip must not remain on the face of the earth, and Israel must re-establish settlements there. He also said that the war has costs for those he described as the Israelis “kidnapped” by the Palestinian resistance.

Commenting on the statements, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, the Secretary-General of the Arab League, said that the racist Israeli minister’s statements were revealing. “Not only does he admit that they possess a nuclear weapon, which is a secret that everyone knows, but he also confirms the reality of the Israelis’ abhorrent racist view towards the Palestinian people. This is the true face of the occupation government for everyone who defends it in the West.”

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) said that the statements of an Israeli minister about the possibility of dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza reflect the terrorism of the Israeli government against our people.

Moreover, the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs “strongly” condemned the Israeli minister’s statements. Doha considered these statements “a dangerous incitement to a war crime and a disregard for human and moral values and international laws,” adding that the Israeli minister’s statements represent “an extension of the escalatory policy adopted by the Israeli government in the Palestinian territories.”

Furthermore, Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan said that his country condemns the extremist statements of the Israeli minister regarding dropping a nuclear bomb on the Gaza Strip. He added that the Israeli minister’s statements show the penetration of extremism and brutality among members of the Israeli government.

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