Canada sanctions Iran over continued human rights violations

Canada imposed additional sanctions on Iran on Wednesday over human rights violations within the country and abroad, the government said in a statement.
'This is the 11th package of sanctions imposed by Canada against the Iranian regime since October 2022,' says statement. Canada is imposing additional sanctions on Iran under the Special Economic Measures Regulations, according to the government statement.
Sanctions related to Iran were enacted under the United Nations Act and the Special Economic Measures Act in response to Iran's nuclear and weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs, as well as gross and systematic human rights violations that have been committed in Iran.
Canada also continues to restrict the export to Iran of a wide range of sensitive products listed on the Export Control List (ECL), under the Export and Import Permits Act (EIPA).
In July 2010, Canada imposed additional sanctions on Iran in close consultation with like-minded partners, including the United States and the European Union, under the Special Economic Measures Act (SEMA) upon a finding by the Governor in Council that Iran’s failure to meet its international obligations amounted to a grave breach of international peace and security that had resulted or was likely to result in a serious international crisis.
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