Designating Houthis as a terrorist group is an 'urgent demand

Designating Houthis

Saudi Arabia’s permanent representative to the UN on Monday called on the Security Council to take stronger action against the Houthis if the Iran-backed militia continues “to stall and reject peaceful solutions” to the conflict in Yemen.

Ambassador Abdulaziz Alwasil said that designation of the group as a terrorist organization has become an urgent demand among the people of the region, “who want to live in peace.”

His comments came during a Security Council meeting to discuss the latest developments in Yemen.

Hans Grundberg, the UN’s special envoy to the country, who briefed the council from Sanaa, highlighted the recent “intensification of regional and international diplomatic activity to resolve the conflict” and reiterated his “appreciation for the efforts of Saudi Arabia and Oman in this regard.”

However, he cautioned that “without an agreement that includes a shared vision for the way forward, the state of uncertainty will persist, and with it an increasing risk of military escalation and a return to full-blown conflict.”

The Swedish diplomat urged all parties involved in the conflict to make the most of the opportunity for dialogue provided by the pause in large-scale fighting, and to “work expeditiously toward a shared vision with concrete, actionable steps.”

Alwasil commended Grundberg for his “relentless, unique and quality efforts to ensure peace in Yemen.” He also reiterated his country’s support for the efforts of the UN’s humanitarian chief, Martin Griffiths, “to alleviate the suffering of the brotherly Yemeni people.”

The Saudi envoy told the Council that although the Houthi militias refused to extend a ceasefire agreement in October last year, the UN — as represented by Grundberg and in cooperation with Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Oman, and with Yemen’s presidential leadership council — continues in its efforts to secure a comprehensive political solution that ends the suffering of the Yemeni people.

The legitimate government, on the other hand, has put the interests of the Yemeni people first, Alwasil said, and has not reneged on its “noble humanitarian and national commitments.”

On the other hand, the Houthis, he said, continue to break international laws by “disseminating terrorist and extremist ideologies in schools, recruiting children, sending them forcibly to fight, besieging the city of Taiz, arbitrarily detaining activists and journalists, killing opposition leaders, imposing taxes on humanitarian work, looting international assistance and sending it to those who do not deserve it, including to the Houthis themselves, as well as planting mines arbitrarily, leading to the killing and injury of innocent civilians.”

Last month, Gen. Michael Beary, who heads the UN Mission to Support the Hodeidah Agreement, narrowly survived a bomb blast when his armored convoy hit a landmine while he was traveling with members of the Houthi militias to oversee the decommissioning of explosives.

Alwasil thanked the US, whose Navy last week seized from a ship in the Gulf of Oman more than 2,100 assault rifles officials believe originated in Iran and were bound for the Houthis.

Alwasil concluded by reiterating that “the coalition states will spare no effort to defend themselves in case such malicious acts target our security and interests in any way. We will respond firmly and strongly.”

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