labor strikes sweep Turkey

Turkey's trade unions representing thousands of workers plan countrywide general strike as they are facing grave challenges to make basic ends meet, protesting rising prices and an economic crisis.

The Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey (DiSK) announced on Monday, December 6, that a rally will be organized in Istanbul on December 12 to raise issues affecting the working class in the country, including the demand for a rise in minimum wages.

Speaking to the press, DiSK chair Arzu Cerkezoglu said “We are sick and tired of unemployment, high prices, price increases and bills,” she said. She announced that the December 12 rally will raise the slogan of “Istanbul speaks up: Enough is enough, we want to make a living.”

Amidst rising prices and depreciation of the value of Turkish Lira (TRY), DiSK has demanded that the minimum wage in the country be revised from the current 2,800 TRY (USD 204) to 5,200 TRY (USD 380) in order to help the workers live a dignified life.

According to the Bianet report, Turkey has the largest number of workers working on minimum wage in Europe, which is the lowest in the last 15 years. Persistent rise in prices of basic commodities has raised the monthly living cost for a single person to 3,435 TRY (USD 252), creating a huge gap with the minimum wage levels.

Turkey's currency has recently hit record lows in value, driving up prices in the country. But the president's recipe for fixing the problem is the opposite of what economists generally recommend.

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