Farmaajo administration’s biggest loser is federalism

Outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo has abdicated his duties as the master guide towards democratization of Somalia.

Since taking office in 2017, Farmaajo has been at daggers drawn with the leaders of the federal states and has at times been accused of winning the victories of certain leaders of the FMS contrary to the will of the people.

NISA director Fahad Yasin, since been, has been deployed to Villa Somalia as Farmaajo’s security adviser, killing federalism and pluralism. Analysts believe the move has left too much room for the resurgence of Al-Shabaab.

Former President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has urged Somali government leaders to accelerate the elections process which had seen several delays.

Speaking in a function organized by Somalis in Turkey, President Mohamud said the current President Mohamed Farmaajo had overstayed in office contrary to constitutional dictates.

Mohamud's remarks come days after International partners called on Somali leaders to hold parliamentary elections without further delay.

The partners including the African Union, the European Union and the United Nations among other foreign nations expressed concern about the continuing delays in the Somali electoral process.

For years, Farmaajo rejected claims that he weakened federalism, thwarted pluralism, and hindered the democratization process. However, his decision to drag out polls in the Horn of Africa nation and the persistent fighting with local leaders has been a major weakness of his administration.

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