Ibb tribes consider escalation options against the Houthis

Informed sources confirmed that the tribes of Ibb Governorate are studying options for escalation against the terrorist Houthi militia, which they accuse of diluting the case of the assassination of Sheikh Sadiq Bashar, who was killed by a Houthi gang last month in Sana'a.
The sources told "Yemeni Youth Net" that the tribes of Ibb are studying options for escalation against the militia, which continues to cover up the killers of Sheikh (Sadiq Bashar) despite the passage of more than three weeks since the crime.
The sources added that the deadline requested by the militia from the tribes to complete the investigation into the incident ended yesterday, Tuesday, without any progress being made.
The sources explained that the militia only investigated the leader of the gang involved in the incident (Alawi Al-Amir) and his brother, while five of the gang were smuggled out of the capital.
The sources indicated that the prince has not been imprisoned yet, while his brother remains in the military hospital under the pretext that he is undergoing treatment.
The sources confirmed that the tribes of Ibb are sticking to the demand to hand over the killers of "Ba Shaar", and not responding to all the pressures and maneuvers practiced by the militia to cover up for the perpetrators who belong to its security apparatus, especially after the issuance of the forensic doctor's report which proved that the murdered sheikh was exposed to fatal bullets from a close distance and that traces of torture appeared on his body.
The militia had forced the tribes of Ibb governorate, who were demanding the arrest of the killers of Sheikh Sadiq Bashar, to lift their sit-in in Dar Salam in Sana'a after besieging it with dozens of vehicles and threatening to disperse it by force, hours after their sit-in in Al-Sab'een Square was dispersed by force, which prompted them to meet in a closed hall.
On Monday, November 25, Houthi elements led by the so-called "Alawi Saleh Qaid Al-Amir", who was appointed by the Houthi militia as director of the Alaya Police Department in the Shamila area, ambushed the tribal sheikh "Sadiq Bashar", who hails from the Ash-Sha'ar District in Ibb Governorate, in the Dar Salam roundabout south of Sana'a, and opened fire on his car, killing him after looting money and personal belongings that were in his possession.
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