US State Department caution citizens about Russian threat

The US State Department on Monday ordered family members of employees at the US Embassy in Belarus to depart the country and warned American citizens against travel there due to an "unusual and concerning Russian military buildup" along Belarus' border with Ukraine.

The developments come as US officials warn that Russia could mount a major invasion of Ukraine, including from neighboring Belarus.

In an updated travel advisory issued Monday, the State Department said that "due to an increase in unusual and concerning Russian military activity near the border with Ukraine, U.S. citizens located in or considering travel to Belarus should be aware that the situation is unpredictable and there is heightened tension in the region."

The order came hours after Washington and Moscow clashed at the United Nations Security Council over Ukraine.

The US accused Russia of planning to increase its troop presence in Belarus to 30,000 in the coming weeks, to add to the 100,000 it has moved near the Ukrainian-Russian border.

Last week, in a move criticized by the Ukrainian government, the State Department authorized the departure of US government employees from the US Embassy in Kyiv and ordered the departure of family members there "due to the continued threat of Russian military action."

At Monday's UN Security Council meeting over Russia's escalation toward Ukraine, the Belarusian ambassador to the UN said his country was in support of dialogue but reiterated that it would act in defense of its ally Russia if it were attacked.

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