Erdogan supports hijacking elections in Somalia

Major opposition presidential candidates in Somalia have expressed disappointment with Turkey over its support for the national election implementation committee, which has been accused of bias. In a joint statement, the presidential candidates called on Turkey to stay neutral.

Opposition presidential candidates have also asked Turkey to delay a reported plan to deliver weapons and ammos to the Harma’ad unit of the Somali police.

In a letter dated 12 December and sent to the Turkish ambassador in Somalia, the opposition candidates said they had learned Turkey was planning to deliver 1,000 G3 machine guns and a large number of bullets.

They noted that the federal government has been using the Harma’ad forces to suppress its opponents in regional elections and expressed worry that the weapons and ammunition will be used to “hijack” the 2020/21 elections.

The letter also asked Turkey to to cease intervention in Somali affairs, especially Somali elections.

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