The role of Muslim Brotherhood in September 11 attacks

September attack, also known as the 9/11 terrorist attacks, was one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in the history of the United States. In 2001, the attacks including a series of airline hijacks and suicides against New York City and Washington DC caused extensive destruction as it took nearly 3,000 lives.
It is believed that the key planner of the 9/11 attacks was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who was an active member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Some media reports revealed that Khalid's plan was to blow up more than a dozen American planes during the 1990s, but that failed and he joined hands with Osama bin Laden with whom he organized the 9/11 terrorist attack.
According to reports, the perpetrators were descendants of an earlier generation of Egyptian Islamists who split from the Muslim Brotherhood’s leadership in the 1960s and embraced the messages of Sayyid Qutb, another Egyptian.
In fact, the Brotherhood’s sinister objectives can only be understood upon closer scrutiny of its history of violence and its ties to Islamic extremist and terrorist groups.
The Brotherhood has ties with terrorist organizations established outside Egypt by leading figures within its “international network”. According to 9 Bedford Row’s Report, Osama bin Laden, Ayman Al-Zawahiri and Aballah Yusuf Azzam the three founders of al-Qa’ida were prominent members of the international network.
All three were strong advocates of Sayyid Qutb’s writings, which formed the basis of their justification for the use of political violence both internally and externally. The Brotherhood’s teachings have been adopted as a reference point for many terrorist organizations that target both Islamic and Western societies and people.
US counter-terrorism experts have acknowledged that the Brotherhood continues to advocate the use of violence against innocent civilians. Brotherhood members have provided public support for violent acts of terrorism undertaken by militant Islamist groups.
In addition, the Brotherhood was implicated in providing material and financial support to militant organizations, a fact confirmed by European and US investigative authorities and courts, as well as the UN Security Council. As a result, it was banned in Syria, Iraq, Russia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.
Given this legacy and ethos of violence, it is no wonder the Brotherhood and its leadership, up until the time of writing, have been involved in a series of acts of indoctrination, intimidation, subversion of the rule of law, clandestine activity and political violence.
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