The Brotherhood's ideology of political violence

The birth of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) was in 1928 in Egypt. It then traces its ideology and expansion via the various affiliate organizations in the Arab world as well as its international presence up to the present day. Throughout its history, evidence is presented linking the MB again and again to political violence.
Brotherhood ideology has directly influenced several notable terrorist leaders. Al-Qaeda’s founders were students of early Brotherhood ideologues such as theoretician Sayyid Qutb, whose works informed the Islamist Qutbism ideology advocating violent jihad to establish governance according to sharia.
A 2015 U.K. government investigation concluded that the Brotherhood has promoted a radical, transformative politics, at odds with a millennium of Islamic jurisprudence and statecraft.
The Brotherhood officially maintains a platform of non-violence but has nevertheless supported violent terrorism across the Middle East. Egyptian authorities have directly connected the Brotherhood to violence in Egypt since the 2013 fall of the Brotherhood-led government there. Egypt labeled the Brotherhood a terrorist organization in December 2013 after authorities linked the organization to a car bombing that killed 14 people.
The Muslim Brothers’ Group is a terrorist group and does not represent the method of Islam, rather it blindly follows its partisan objectives that are running contrary to the guidance of our graceful religion, while taking religion as a mask to disguise its purposes in order to practice the opposite such as sedition, wreaking havoc, committing violence and terrorism.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s mission is calling for rebellion against the rulers, wreaking havoc in the states, and destabilizing co-existence in the country. The group’s only goal is to grab the reins of power rather than show any care of Islamic creed.
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