EU imposing further sanctions on Iran

The European Union on Monday imposed new sanctions on Iranian officials and entities for their role in the violent crackdown on popular protests.
The new package of sanctions targets five Iranians and two entities responsible for serious human rights violations in Iran, according to the European Council.
The Council listed the Revolutionary Guards’ Cooperative Foundation, which is the body responsible for managing the IRGC’s investments and funneling money into the regime’s repression machine.
The other IRGC entity that was blacklisted was its Student Basij Organization (SBO), which acts as the IRGC’s arm in enforcing hijab and cracking down protests on university campuses.
“The SBO consists of the youngest and most radical members of the Basij," the EU said, adding that during raids on a number of university campuses -- including at Sharif University, Shahid Beheshti University and Amirkabir University -- security forces, including the SBO members, used live ammunition and opened fire on students.
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