Iran at the roots of Yemen's crisis

A press statement by the US State Department on February 10 stressed that the Houthis have pursued a dangerous pattern of increasingly obstructive and aggressive actions against Yemenis, Yemen’s neighbors, and the international community.

"Repeated terrorist attacks by the Houthis harmed civilians and civilian infrastructure and undermine international efforts for a peaceful solution to the Yemen conflict and threaten the Yemeni people and neighboring countries", the press statement said.

U.S. and United Nations officials have documented Iran smuggling high-end weapons to the Houthis. Medium range ballistic missiles that were fired from Yemen and entered Saudi Arabia and the UAE were built and designed by Iran.

Yemen's Prime Minister Dr. Maeen Abdul-Malik stressed that Iranian interference and its control of decisions within the Houthi coup militia is the main obstacle to peace, and explains the level of escalation that Yemen has witnessed during the past two years.

Dr. Abdul-Malik pointed out that the Houthi militia, and behind it Iran, had refused to respond to all peace initiatives, and even refused to receive the UN envoy in Sana’a, and continued its terrorist practices and criminal acts targeting civilians, displaced persons, and civilian objects in the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

The Arab Coalition has been fighting the Houthis since early 2015 after the group ousted Yemen's internationally recognized government from power in Sanaa.

Houthis have launched unprecedented attacks on the United Arab Emirates in recent weeks. The first such strike on January 17 killed three foreign workers. Later strikes were intercepted by UAE and US defenses without injury.

The Iranian regime controls the political and military decision and manages the Houthi militia to carry out its agenda and provides it with ballistic missiles, drones, weapons, experts in military industries, mines and improvised explosive devices.

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