Erdogan's one-man-rule can't run Turkey

Turkish opposition leader Kemal Kldarolu has sharply criticized the policies of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, saying his regime is “tyrannical”, “at odds with democracy”.

He also stressed the need for Turkey to get rid of the authority of “one man” and “the one decision maker”.

“Turkey needs structural economic reforms, but this cannot be achieved under the current government" Kldarolu added, ”pointing out that the government led by Erdogan lost confidence internally And externally”.

In addition, he stressed that the setting authoritarian president is the main reason for the reluctance of local and foreign investors in Turkey to invest. He also stressed the need to change this system and fully submit to European Union standards.

Kldarolu also criticized the Turkish government for selling shares of its domestic financial assets to foreign parties, saying Qatari investors now control Turkey’s largest tank factory, one of the largest military industrial production facilities in Eastern Europe.

In addition, the opposition leader reiterated his rejection of the presidential system, which was launched in mid-2018 in power after the Turkish president held a controversial referendum a year earlier in which the post of prime minister of the country was abolished.

Turkey has moved to shut down the third largest party in parliament, the pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP); stripped human rights activist and HDP member Omer Faruk Gergerlioglu of his parliamentary seat, sent him to prison for a 2016 tweet and forcibly taken him from his home; sentenced several journalists to jail; and pulled out of the world’s leading global compact to combat violence against women.

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