Will Turkey distance itself from Muslim Brotherhood?

On Wednesday, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu made a tactical move, saying his country wanted to sign a deal over maritime boundaries with Egypt. 

This Turkish willingness however is currently limited to declarations from the Turkish side, with no tangible reaction from the Egyptians.

Turkey hosts several of Muslim Brotherhood’s members and supporters since the group’s activities were banned in Egypt. 

These moves require a change in Turkey’s support to the Muslim Brotherhood ideology. But Turkey’s relations with the Muslim Brotherhood is based on ideology and also on a strategic partnership.

Distancing Turkey’s relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood would impact Turkey’s influence in Libya. However, Turkey is likely to compartmentalize its relations with the Muslim Brotherhood, reducing its support to their presence in Egypt but will continue supporting them in North Africa, especially in Libya and Tunisia.

Turkey’s hint that indicates a willingness to reduce escalatory policies in the region is only possible if the expansionist pan-Islamist project stops with Erdogan and does not continue with future Turkish governments. 

However, This tactical move is basically made in order to bypass any criticism from Brussels and US President Joe Biden’s administration.

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