How to have a Good Immune System and avoid Covid-19

As COVID-19 tightens its grip on The World, more and more us are naturally looking for ways to help stave of contracting the virus, whether it’s for ourselves, or to protect those around us who might be at higher risk of developing serious complications.

The immune system is your body’s defence against infection and illness. It works by identifying disease-causing germs and defeating them before they can make you ill. Basically, if your body is a castle, then your immune system is the wall that protects it.

Exercise, sleep and stress levels all play a big role here, but perhaps nothing is so important as your diet. Because, unsurprisingly, what you put into your body has a significant impact on how it can respond to illness.

Unfortunately, you can’t completely avoid getting sick. You can, however, ensure your immune system is in the best state to fight off infection and illness when they occur.

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