In reference to the economic crisis and mismanagement in Iran.. Inflation growth in imported goods

In reference to the economic crisis and mismanagement in Iran.. Inflation growth in imported goods

Indicating the economic crisis and mismanagement in Iran.. Unprecedented growth in inflation in imported goods

The Iranian Statistical Center announced in its latest report that the prices of imported goods during the four quarters ending in the fall of 2024 increased by 53.8 percent compared to the same period last year. This statistic shows an unprecedented growth in inflation in the imported goods sector, and is one of the clear indicators of the economic crisis and economic mismanagement in Iran.

Crazy rise in prices of imported goods due to the failure of economic policies

According to the report, the price index of imported goods in the fall of 2024 reached 827.2, representing an increase of 15.1 percent compared to the previous quarter, and an increase of 64.8 percent compared to the fall of last year. This increase in prices occurred at a time when the government repeatedly claimed that it was controlling the market, but economic facts prove otherwise.

Economic experts have always emphasized that the Iranian regime's monetary and customs policies, instead of achieving stability in the market, have themselves become the main cause of instability and rising prices. Ill-considered policies such as arbitrary price controls, rent-seeking currency allocation to imports, and lack of control over customs operations have increased import costs, which have resulted in these costs being passed on to the final consumer.

Government statistics are not transparent and unreliable

It is important to note that official statistics issued by government institutions in Iran are always questioned by independent experts. The Iranian State Statistical Center admitted in its report that these data were prepared based on preliminary information from Iranian customs, and may be subject to subsequent revision and adjustment. Experience has shown that these revisions are usually made with the aim of concealing the severity of the economic situation.

In addition, in the past, government economic statistics have been published late or modified for political and propaganda reasons. Therefore, the figures provided by government institutions today do not necessarily reflect the true situation of the country's economy, and the actual inflation rate of imported goods is likely to be higher than the announced figure.

Repercussions of sharp inflation in imported goods on citizens' lives

The crazy rise in the prices of imported goods has serious consequences for citizens' livelihoods. Since many basic commodities, including medicines, raw materials for production, industrial machinery and even some food items, are imported from abroad, a 53 percent increase in import inflation will lead to a significant increase in the cost of living.

On the other hand, the rise in the prices of imported raw materials will directly lead to an increase in the prices of domestic products, the closure of more production units, a decrease in employment and an increase in poverty. In these circumstances, the government has not provided any effective solutions to contain the crisis, and, according to many experts, it is still deepening inflation and rising prices through its "wrong policies".

The Iranian regime's economic management is the main cause of the crisis

Many independent experts believe that the roots of the economic crisis in Iran are not foreign sanctions, but rather corruption, mismanagement and structural inefficiency in the Iranian regime. While Iran's neighboring countries are experiencing economic growth and development, Tehran is still suffering from failed economic policies that only lead to a decline in the standard of living of citizens and an increase in the class gap.

In this context, the regime's unscientific and monopolistic policies, along with the interference of security and military institutions in the economy, have led not only to stagnation and inflation, but also to the destruction of competition and the flight of capital from the country. In such circumstances, many independent observers believe that expecting the situation to improve as long as this ineffective administrative system remains in place is just an illusion.

A bleak future awaits the Iranian economy

The latest report of the Iranian Statistical Center reflects only part of the country's difficult economic reality. In light of current trends, inflation, rising prices, and a decline in citizens' purchasing power are expected to deepen in the coming years. The regime, which has always been unable to confront economic crises, has deepened this crisis through its policies.

Under such circumstances, the Iranian people are becoming poorer by the day, businesses are collapsing, and economic disparities are increasing. According to critics of the Iranian regime, the economy will not emerge from this crisis as long as effective, transparent, and responsible management is not implemented. 

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