Houthi military parades jeopardies Yemen's peace

The Houthi militia continues its parade by flying helicopter for the third day in a row, as the Houthi militia blocks the streets of the central Yemeni city of Ibb together with the intense deployment of armed elements in the various streets of the city, as the militia prepares to organize a sectarian event at the University of Ibb.
Local sources said that the Houthi militia closed main streets in the city of Ibb, and deployed dozens of its militants at the entrances to the governorate and in the streets and residential neighborhoods.
The sources added that the Houthi militia restricted the movement of people in the streets of the city of Ibb and impeded their access to work and to the fulfillment of their various needs.
The blocking of the streets of the city of Ibb coincided with a low-altitude flight (for the third day in a row) of a "helicopter" the militia had looted from the army's arsenal after its 2014 coup.
The sources pointed out that the commercial movement was disrupted and severely paralyzed in Ibb city, as a result of the Houthi measures, which coincided with its event in the campus of Ibb University, while the foreign-backed militia keeps pushing out heavy reinforcements of armed terrorists and military equipment to the neighboring province of Taiz whose provincial capital is under siege and military attacks since 2015.
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