Qatar's former PM reveals his true vision of Muslim Brotherhood

Former Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani, has said of Egypt during rule of ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi, that the Muslim Brotherhood could only “un a small shop and not a country the size of Egypt.”

In an interview with the Kuwaiti newspaper Al Qabas, Sheikh Hamad said that Doha had hosted a meeting between Morsi’s assistants and representatives of the American administration at the time, with the aim of bringing the Islamist government in Egypt and Washington closer in economic terms. 

Sheikh Hamad said the Americans wanted to explore the options and plans of Morsi’s aides during that meeting, but they were shocked.

“I left the meeting with a negative impression and Morsi’s aides, present at the meeting, were disappointing and did not rise to expectations,” said Hamad, adding that, “Morsi’s team was not fit for being at the head of a small shop, let alone the presidency in Egypt. Poor people.”

Sheikh Hamad's Al Qabas interview drew the ire of Muslim Brotherhood supporters on social media but also provoked a wave of mockery by a number of Qatari Twitter users.

Other social media users considered that Sheikh Hamad's statements served to confirm that the Muslim Brotherhood has effectively ended.

The statements from Sheikh Hamad, who has been promoting himself as the "black box of Qatar's policies," are not the first of their kind. There have been similar comments in Doha and moves to suggest that the emirate has abandoned the Islamist group. 

The latest of these has been the expulsion of some Islamist leaders, giving them a brief deadline to leave the country.

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