Russian urges prevention of further destabilization in Somalia

Russia considers it important to prevent the situation in Somalia from further deterioration against the backdrop of electoral preparations in the country, Russian Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Anna Yevstigneyeva said.

The diplomat told the UN Security Council briefing on the situation in Somalia on Tuesday that the country needs time and favorable conditions in the political, social and security domains in order to implement the obligation according to which the share of women in the future composition of the federal parliament must stand at no less than 30%.

"Unfortunately, the federal authorities had to reschedule the previously agreed dates against the backdrop of domestic political destabilization," Yevstigneyeva said. "Now the electoral prospect can be expected to conclude no sooner that at the end of November."

"Besides, it is important to prevent further degradation of the security situation, which is already rather critical," she said, noting latest terrorist attacks by the Al-Shabaab militant group.

According to recent data, the number of people in need of food assistance and social care in Somalia has reached almost 6 million. Approximately 4 million people are exposed to especially great risks.

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