Qatar's Malicious Aids

For years, Qatar has been funding terrorism through a number of charity organizations. Moreover, Qatari regime is also actively involved in sponsoring cyber jihad as well as various pro-jihad publications around the world. Qatar uses charitable institutions to spread its destructive schemes and support and finance terrorist entities. 

Under the garb of charitable work, Qatari authorities are providing relief and a hand of aid to Muslims around the world, and, over the years, the Qatari charitable institutions have become a hidden arm of the regime that extends to tamper with the stability of Arab and even Western nations, and spread devastation and destruction.

According to media reports, Qatar’s support of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, Iran, Turkey, and radical Islamist terrorist groups led Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the UAE to cut all ties with the Emirate.

Among the terrorist-supporting charities is Qatar Charity that advertises its mission is “to participate in the preservation of Islamic culture through the construction of mosques.

In 2011, Eid Charity donated 385,000 QAR (about $1.4 million) for purchasing Mississauga-based Dar Al-Tawheed Islamic Center and Safa and Marwa Islamic School.

Five years later, in January 2016, it was Ibrahim Hindy, the imam of Dar Al-Tawheed Islamic Centre, known for publicly expressing support of all Mujahideen to advance jihad everywhere, who went to Qatar on a fundraising mission.

Later that year he hosted Sheikh Nash’at Ahmad, an Egyptian Salafist preacher, who was arrested in Egypt for urging support of Mujahedeen carrying out global jihad and has also justified the 9/11 attacks.

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