Erdogan Fouls Syrian Mercenaries

Widespread discontent is prevailing among the Syrian fighters which have been sent to Libya, since Turkey abandoned its promises at a time when the Syrian mercenaries suffer from dire living conditions there. Syrian mercenaries, loyal to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan held a protest after their monthly salaries were stolen. 

The mercenaries belong to the militia of the so-called al-Mu'tasim brigade in Libya, which is one of the factions affiliated with the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood’s network, which claims openly to have arms operating under the so-called “Free Army”.

Between 40 to 50 angry mercenaries held a sit-in inside Souk Al-Khamis camp. The debate heated up and they showered curses on Sarraj and Erdogan for stealing their salaries amounting to US$12,000 each per month. Syrian mercenaries regretted involving in the battle in Libya and called upon everybody wanted to come to Libya not to do so, as the Turks stole their monthly salaries.

However, shipments of Syrian mercenaries continue to flow into Libya by Turkey. More than 18,000 Syrian mercenaries arrived in Libya lately.

The Syrian criminal militias and terrorists of 13,000 fighters in Tripoli have repeatedly complained about the stolen salaries and demanded the Turks to find a solution, while al-Sarraj faces a dilemma because of the interruption of oil supplies and financial returns due to the closure, which drives him and the Turkish forces to plan to control this area.

The number of Syrian mercenaries who joined the military operations in Libya and killed there rose to 151. The fatalities are of the factions “al-Mu’tasim Division, Sultan Murad, Suqur Al-Shamal Brigade, Al-Hamzat and Suleiman Shah”.


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