Qatar's new kind of health terrorism

The health sector is one of the strangest things you will find in Qatar, where people die and animals live. The Qataris do not have access to health care and are the most humiliating.
There, in a luxurious hospital, where nurses in blue dress move lightly through the luminous departments, sounds of wheezing and flashing screens from the radiology department and operating rooms, the specialists stare at X-rays and doctors making incisions using modern, high-tech surgical tools, the rooms are filled with only one thing: hawks.
In the small, wealthy Emirate of Qatar, priority is given to the raptors of the desert, while the Qatari citizen suffers from the calamities between the high cost of hospitals and the high prices of medicine, as well as limited attention, which ultimately leads to an increase in deaths.
Qatari activists tweeted about the corruption of the health sector and reacted to routines and administrative procedures that come as a priority at the expense of patients’ health.
In Qatari hospitals, you find heart-wrenching oddities and afflictions. For example, Aspetar Hospital, which is one of the most important hospitals in Doha, suffers from a clear deterioration in the health service, although it is a government hospital, Qataris are obliged to pay large sums for treatment.
On the pretext of the scarcity or lack of treatment, while it opens its doors for free to athletes from different countries of the world, which explains where the Qatari people’s money goes, which the Al-Hamdeen regime exploits to promote itself at the expense of the health of its people.
Hamad Hospital, which is also located in Doha, has an enormous amount of corruption that completely cripples its foundations. Although Qatar does not have a massive population, patients may wait months or years to have surgery at the hospital.
Many Qatari patients lost their lives before coming into their turn for treatment, according to the Twitter account of “Um Fahd”, whose companion lost her son and died before his turn in treatment.
What makes matters worse is that Qataris need a mediation so that they can be treated in their country or be excused from waiting in line, while more than 30,000 falcons annually find health treatment for them.
t is perplexing that Tamim’s regime is doing its best, planning to host the World Cup, supporting terrorism and political Islam in most countries, while leaving its citizens sick.
Is Tamim’s policy based on the accumulation of wealth and its orientation towards supporting terrorism, regardless of the health and comfort of its citizens, or is this bloody regime practicing a new kind of health terrorism, as it has become a regime addicted to the industry and the promotion of terrorism.
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