Hunger strike in an Istanbul prison against violence, torture

Political prisoners in the Silivri Prison Campus started a 10-day hunger strike against last week’s deaths in the prison in northwestern Turkey, news websites reported.

Prisoners Murat Akın and Metin Orman started their hunger strike on Saturday, they told visiting families.

İbrahim Dinçer, who is serving a 15-year prison sentence in the same prison, told his family earlier in the week that pressure and rights violations continued in the prison complex.

Prisoners in Silivri, where many of Turkey’s prominent political prisoners are also housed, report receiving death threats from wardens, verbal harassment, reduced portion sizes in meals, and a ban on outdoor time.

The Human Rights Association (İHD) announced deaths of two inmates in the same prison campus on Monday, April 11.

Prison and Justice Ministry officials said one of the prisoners, Ferhan Yılmaz, died of a heart attack, however, a video that appears to be taken in the Silivri Public Hospital shows the inmate with bruises, blood stains and severe swelling on his face.

Ten prisoners in total were allegedly subjected to torture and ill treatment in the prison campus. Friday saw all 10 transferred to different prisons, following media reports on the matter, Mezopotamya Agency said.

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