Turkey’s genocidal past and ongoing human rights violations

Turkey is a dictatorship that harshly penalizes citizens for criticizing the military, the Turkish nation, president, government institutions, or national heroes.

Turkey’s systematic violations to a fair trial and misuse of terrorism charges restrict freedom of speech for its citizens. Some 80 media workers await in pre-trial detention or serving a terrorism sentence, reports The Platform for Independent Journalism.

With over 281,000 people in Turkish prisons, Amnesty International labeled Turkey as the world’s largest prison for journalists, says the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ).

There is no free press in Turkey. Meanwhile, many perpetrators of actual war crimes walk around free in Turkey as international observers report how jihadist terrorists, involved in Syria and Iraq wars, use Turkish territory for transit, refuge, human and goods trafficking.

Turkey’s support and empowerment of violent jihadists in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere is a threat to the West and the world, threatening human rights and human dignity while damaging regional and global security.

Destruction of indigenous lives and exploitation of their cultural heritage is a governmental, cultural, and societal problem in Turkey. Until Turks learn and embrace these truths, they will continue dehumanizing, attack and violate other nations as the Armenian Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh last September.

It is quite Frustrating to see NATO and the superpowers’ silence at Turkey’s continued human rights violations against its journalists, citizens and other countries.

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