Warnings against dragging Yemen into proxy war

Yemeni government affirms commitment to end conflict

The Government of Yemen has reaffirmed its commitment to supporting all regional and international efforts to end the conflict, while simultaneously urging the Security Council and the international community to take responsibility by applying real pressure on the terrorist Houthi militias, rather than relying solely on statements and appeals.

The government called for an emphasis on the language of peace and dialogue, and for stopping the Houthis from dragging Yemen and its people into proxy wars that serve Iran’s destructive projects in the region.

This statement was delivered by Yemen’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Abdullah al-Sa’adi during an open session for the Security Council held Thursday in New York City.

The statement noted that a full year has passed, and these Iran-backed militias continue to undermine all efforts and initiatives aimed at achieving peace, disregarding the humanitarian suffering of the Yemeni people.

Despite the regional and international momentum to revive the political process, the statement highlighted the efforts of Saudi Arabia to end the conflict and address the Yemen crisis, as well as the initiatives and concessions made by the Yemeni government in support of this peaceful path.

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